Ka Yan ☉家恩☉: Vedic Astrology Birth Chart + Transits & Astrocartography Readings; Reiki Healing (Remote)
Charmaine Bee (Charmaine): Dream Support Hotline +1 843 940 8285 a community of black diaspora dream symbols 🌀 a space for black people to voice their dreams
Agnese Krivade (she/her/mer): fake healer
Protocol of fake healing:
You tell me what aches. We talk. I probably remind you that you are fundamentally well. I have no idea how to help you but I will do the best that I can
Donation based. Service / work exchange possible. Fake payments accepted.
“I am not certified in anything but I have paid a lot for classes, sessions and life lessons.”
*The title is used with permission of Valentina Desideri & Keith Henessy who established the discipline
Julia E. Dyck / Spectral Center (she/they): self-hypnosis, group hypnosis & hypnotherapy
Lotta Petronella (she/her): moth & botanical tarot readings; chanting and bespoke flower essences
Karolien Polenus | NiXiE | energy8medicine (she/her): sound alchemy, group sound baths, sonic meditation,1:1 sound healing, 1:1 soul coaching, soundhealing radioshow
Chế Kim Nine (she/her): tarot, ancestral mediumship, psychic games & 1:1 intuitive mentorship
EM~BODY (she/they/em): sexological bodywork & somatic counseling
CARE (they/them/theirs): trauma-informed astrology, tarot, reiki, somatics, hypnosis, doula work & Transformative Justice work/Embodied conflict resolution
Émilie Payeur (she/her): traditional & experimental herbalism, dream integration, tarot and messages from the unconscious, modern amulets
Òscar Moisés Díaz (they/them): Medieval Islamicate & Hellenistic astrology, dream interpretation, poetry workshops, and celestial studio visits
Lucie Schroeder (she/her): Holistic Dramaturgy, an integrative accompaniment of artistic processes
Lena Rubin (they/them): astrology, human design, and creative writing; guided by embodiment & intuition
Dorothy Zablah (she/her): reclaiming our soverignity in spiritual, creation and learning practices through ceremonial cacao, tarot, radical pedagogy & intuitive entrepreneurship
Ora H. (they/her): timeline jumping, advice-erotic, human design (HD) readings

︎ @tuotuoarts