240g + 80g Lupine Flowers
1 dye bath with 240g Lupine flowers + stems,
another dye bath with 80g just Lupine flowers.
Slowly heated it up for 2 hours, taking care that the bath is not boiling or getting to hot, not to use the blue tones.
Leave the flower material in the dye bath until the next day. Next day took out the plant material and put 20g Wool + 5g Silk (treated with 10% weight of fibre Alum over night) in the 240g dye bath, put 5g silk and 10g Cotton (treated with 20% weight of fibre: Alum over night) in the 80g dye bath.
Let the textiles simmer for around 2 hours, then leave it over night. I left them in the dye bath for 1 more full day and then realized the textiles have turned BLUE!